Gairal Rest House


(1) I had booked Gairal Forest Rest House do i need to book separate permits for jeep safari in dhikala zone?

No you do not need to book separate permits for jeep safari. The permits which you have booked for Accommodation allows to do jeep safari of dhikala zone

(2) If i have gairal Accommodation permit can i also do jeep safari of bijrani and jhirna zone?

No , Accommodation permit of gairal only allows jeep safari of Dhikala zone to do jeep safari of Bijrani and Jhirna one will need separate permits

(3) Can i carry liquor and non veg food while coming for gairal stay?

No, liquor and non veg is not allowed inside corbett national park. Non veg attracts carnivorous animals while liquor creates junk and it's irresponsible consumption may create problem for driver, guide , wildlife or fellow guest any time, perhaps that is reason why forest department has not allowed its consumption while staying inside forest rest house.

(4) Can i book gairal forest rest house for group of 20 members?

Yes you can . There are 6 rooms where maximum 18 members can stay on triple sharing and in 8 bed dormitory 8 members can stay which means this rest house can accommodate maximum 26 members any time.

(5) Apart from safari what else i can do during my stay at Gairal Forest rest House?

Although the compound is huge however there is no swings for kids, swimming pool, table tennis, badminton or soft ball cricket facility at gairal forest rest house. Best thing is carry a good book to read or binocular spot variety of birds.

(6) Can i sleep in open ground means outside my room?

No at night any wildlife or reptile may hurt so it is not allowed to sleep outside room.

(7) Can i walk barefoot on grass inside gairal compound?

It is not suggested as there are many kind of poisonous insects or reptile which may bite you.

(8) Do i have a elephant safari option while staying at Gairal forest rest house?

There is no elephant at Gairal Forest rest House for elephant safari one have to go to dhikala forest rest house which means it is better to try afternoon elephant safari.

(9) Which route or zone i can visit during my stay at Gairal Forest rest house?

Whether one stays at gairal forest rest house or dhikala forest rest house guest have equal opportunity to explore dhikala zone. Few of route names are Thandi sadak, sambhar road, main road, high bank , grassland etc.

(10) How jeep safari of dhikala is different from canter safari of dhikala zone?

Cater can go on road which are wide enough and where there are no steep slopes while a jeep is a 4x4 and can go any where there is safari route for jeep. While a elephant can take you to certain points near water holes where even jeep cannot go.